Admin Опубликовано: 5 июня 2017 Жалоба Share Опубликовано: 5 июня 2017 Dear Players! We present to your attention the instructions for the use of the Personal Cabinet. When registering on our project, you create a universal Master Account (Personal Account) that allows you to play on any of our servers without additional registrations. Up to 10 game accounts can be registered on each MA. A distinctive feature of the Personal Cabinet is enhanced security. In addition to the password, your data will be protected by a PIN code, which will allow you to block almost all actions inside the Personal Account for outsiders. Now let's look at the functional MA: Register Master Account. On the main page of our site you will see the "Registration" button: After clicking the "Register" button, you will be redirected to the Master Account registration page, where you will need to fill in several important fields. Be sure to confirm your acceptance of the Rules of the Project, by the way, we recommend that you read them beforehand. Registration must be confirmed by mail! Therefore, specify your real mailbox. After successful confirmation of registration, you can enter your Personal Account. If the registration confirmation has not arrived, check the Spam folder, as well as spam filters in your mailbox settings. After creating the Master Account, you need to create a game account. To do this, in the office, you must click "Create Account". Then a small window will open, offering us an account creation form: We fill in all fields, change the prefix as desired and click "Registration". If registration is successful, you will receive a pop-up notification that the operation was successful and you will be asked to save a text document with registration data to your computer. The created game account will appear at the bottom of the LC. You have the opportunity to change the password of the game account [1] or restore it [2]. RandagennickurydyFugficyhy, Jenkapak, Bakc9292 и 5 других отреагировали на это 7 1 Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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