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Game Client Modifications [New Patch]


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Game Client Modifications


The following describes the addition of a client modification to the main server patch.

If you have your own suggestions, we are ready to listen to them in personal messages on the forum.


Attention! All updates in this topic are test.

There may be some errors in the detection of which report

us in private messages.



Update from 03/02/2018 - 16th version:

Added the ability to change the size of the buff icons from 12 to 36 pixels

Added clan patch

Added new key bindings



Displaying information on the screen:


  • Target damage
  • Deducing target damage
  • CP / HP / MP refill
  • Patency spoiled
  • Passable debuffs
  • Character Statistics (PvP / PK / Karma)



Transparency of interface elements:


  • Ability to change the transparency of the skill panel
  • Ability to change the transparency of the game and system chat



Transferring skills to the party window debuff slots:


  • Ability to transfer skill Noblesse Blessing
  • Ability to transfer skill Arcane Power





Group control buttons:


  • Ability to transfer group leader
  • The possibility of excluding players from the group



Removing buffs with Alt + Click:

  • Does not work on debuffs
  • Does not work at the Olympiad
  • Does not work on events
  • Doesn't work for buffs: Snipe, Noblesse Blessing




The ability to transfer modules:


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Shift + Click on inventory items:

Displays the name of the item in the game chat.
Displays the name of the stackable items and their number in the game chat.



Button to sort items in inventory:

Sorts all items in inventory:

  • Currency
  • Weapons
  • Armor
  • Bijouterie
  • Other items (sharpening scrolls, jars, elixirs, recipes, materials)



Experience / Chat Lock Buttons:

  • Lock / unlock gain experience
  • Block / unblock the receipt of messages



Invitation to group buttons and bidding offers:


  • Sending a request for invitations to the group from the target window
  • Sending a trade request (exchange) from the target window

Private chat from the target window:


Adds specials symbol and player's nickname for writing to him in a private chat by clicking from the target window

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Additional patch updates


In addition to the below listed amenities and optimizations, do not forget about server-side optimization - the .antilag command.




  • WH on the wheel (Middle mouse).
  • Disable all effects by pressing Alt + Q (nipples, hilki, etc.).
  • Display FPS and frame delays with the Alt + End key.
  • Disable fog with the Alt + Home or Home key.

Changing skill animations:

  1. Added new optimized animation of hilok bisha (like Body of Avatar).
  2. Added new animation for the Hydro Blast skill.
  3. Added radius for passing overdb dbafov.
  4. Added the radius of passage of the masses of the nekra bans.
  5. Added a warning animation that casts ali beats (red flash overhead).
  6. Added animation Ali ud (Flames of Invincibility), a blue ball, 3 seconds before the end of the effect, the ball turns red.
  7. Added new animation of the Spell Force skill + highlighting the one on whom the charge is going.
  8. Added new Battle Force skill animation.
  9. Added display when enchantment under ye (Ultimate Evasion).
  10. Added display when the character is under the icon (Angelic Icon).
  11. Hillock (and nubla) caste animation is now without fading.
  12. Optimized Aura Flash animation.
  13. Optimized The Honor of Pa'agrio skill animation.
  14. Animations of overpair buffs and regenerating skills (regen HP, cp) are displayed only on the overp.
  15. Removed the effect (animation) when under malaria.
  16. The display of over-dbuffs is disabled (the animation that appeared on that person to whom the d-baf got out).
  17. Optimized mass animations.

Folder "Advanced" in the patch:

  1. Added l2.ini files with the ability to use frameless mode and use more memory for the game.
  2. Added a file user.ini with a standard speed of rotation of the camera and the speed of scrolling the mouse wheel.
  3. Added file user.ini with increased speed of rotation of the camera and speed of scrolling with the mouse wheel.
  4. Added interface.xdat file with bind: numbers 1-9 first panel, F1-F12 second panel.
  5. Added interface.xdat file with bind: numbers 1-9 first panel, F1-F12 second panel, Q-P third panel.
  6. Added interface.xdat file with binds: F1-F12 first panel, Figures 1-9 second panel.
  7. Added interface.xdat file with binds: F1-F12 first panel, Figures 1-9 second panel, Q-P third panel.
  8. Added interface.xdat file with original binds.

Short commands in the game:


// - /invite

/t - /target

/u - /unstuck

/cpl - /changepartyleader

/d - /dismiss

/oly - /olympiadstat

/usf - /useskillforce

/uscf - /useshotrcutforce

//c - /channelinvite

/fi - /friendinvite

/fdel - /frienddel

/fl - /friendlist

/b -   /block

/unb -   /unblock

/ac - /allycrest

/delcrest - /deletealliancecrest


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Key bindings:

  • Figures 1-9 first panel, F1-F12 second panel
  • Figures 1-9 first panel, F1-F12 second panel, Q-P third panel
  • F1-F12 first panel
  • Figures 1-9 second panelF1-F12 first panel
  • Figures 1-9 second panel, Q-P third panel
  • Original panel
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